I just love the flower details on the gown. This can be shaded in so many different ways!. Though I think I sea it as black background with golden flowers, to match the hair. Metallic gold crayons would work wonders here. But that’s just me. You may think of gazillion other combinations. Don’t be shy to experiment. These coloring pages are free printables – if you don’t like the results, reprint and do it again!

A princess on the balcony… Is there anything more romantic?

Her royal highness and her cat.

I think that with this crown Barbie looks way more than a princess. She looks like a queen! Just look at the huge diamond at the center!
By the way, I just noticed that on all four pictures there is a rose on her chest. Did you know that the ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with the goddess of love? It really suits our princess, don’t you think?
For more coloring pages of Barbie check out the Barbie Coloring Pages site. It has many wonderful pictures to print and color.